Misinformation: A Strategic Approach

The Sabin Vaccine Institute and UNICEF recently hosted a webinar, “Misinformation: a strategic approach”, to discuss strategies for immunization professionals to manage vaccination misinformation. This interactive webinar delves into an evidence-based review of the impact of misinformation on vaccination.

Representatives from the UNICEF Pakistan Country Office discussed their work in UNICEF’s Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) program, which uses social and behavioral data around COVID-19 to refine its intervention, messages and community engagement. The evidence has been used to flag key issues and share recommendations with policy makers, as well as shape sectoral and RCCE interventions. During the Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine introduction in Sindh province in 2019, social listening helped in addressing public concerns around vaccine related misinformation through digital media. Under the partnership with Facebook (Insights for Impact), data from different social listening tools is being used to run a customized digital media campaign that is providing accurate information to the public on routine immunization for children.

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